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RSS/Atom Feeds

RSS and Atom feeds are powerful tools to have at your disposal when you are looking for a new job.  In addition to creating your own custom job search for a particular site, you can use these feeds to download high quality resources for succeeding on the job front.



Icon Description
Add a new job search feed to JobTabs Add a new feed
Edit an existing job search RSS or Atom feed Save changes to an existing feed
Delete a job search feed Delete a job search feed


 Copy the job search feed into JobTabs via the shortcut menu

Adding Feeds

The easiest and least error prone method of adding a new feed is to copy and paste from a web page.  The key element to look for is the ubiquitous XML graphic, XML icon for saving job feeds to job search feed readers, or the increasingly common RSS feed icon, RSS feed icon for reading job feeds into job search software


Whether the feed you are adding exists in the JobTabs browser or your desktop browser (IE, Mozilla, Opera, etc.), the simple solution is to right click the graphic and click 'Copy Shortcut' from the context menu.  To the right is a picture of Internet Explorer's context menu when right-clicking a graphic.  The red arrow highlights the menu option you should select when right-clicking on either of the two graphics mentioned.


The context menu for the browser you use may vary slightly from the IE context menu, but the key to remember is not to copy the graphic but the shortcut.  Upon doing so, right-click the RSS feed icon for reading job feeds into job search software RSS Feeds node in the JobTabs hierarchical listing.  The resulting context menu is as follows,


Add a job search RSS feed to the application



Click the Add new feed option and you will be given an opportunity to edit the title and search parameters in the RSS shortcut in the subsequent dialog.  The dialog is shown below,


Add-edit dialog for the job search RSS feed


If you are familiar enough with the site and are confident with modifying the search parameters, you can do so here.  Otherwise, modifying any part of the URL in the address box would be ill advised.  The resulting window with the successfully added feed is shown below.  Note the following,



Can't wait an hour?  You can receive an immediate update by holding down the CTRL key and clicking any feed node.  JobTabs will fetch another batch of jobs immediately.  To see this in action, while remaining on the same node hold down the CTRL key and watch the 'Updated by JobTabs' time information change with every click of the mouse.



Job search rss-atom feed added to jobtabs. 



Editing Feeds

 Editing feeds can be initiated by clicking the Editing a job search feed Edit Feed icon on either the main menu, toolbar or treeview context menu.  The dialog is shown below,


 Add-edit dialog for the job search RSS feed


For most job seekers, the only item that will be edited will be the feed name.  Upon doing so click Save.  For those job seekers with an understanding of the HTTP protocol, this will be a welcome opportunity to edit the parameters of the query string.   



Deleting Feeds

 To delete a feed click on the Delete a job search feed Delete Feed icon.  You will be prompted with a confirmation and upon affirmation the feed will be removed.



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